Mental Health Strategy

The Enhance Research team are helping to facilitate consultation sessions for the development of Queensland’s very first Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Working with Health and Wellbeing Queensland and the Queensland Mental Health Commission, the first workshop launched in Ipswich in mid-March, with another eight sessions scheduled before mid-May.

This Strategy is all about laying the groundwork for initiatives focused on better mental health promotion, prevention, and early intervention. As in a lot of the areas we are working in, the opportunity to focus on prevention, rather than treatment is really welcome, so we are loving the fact that the strategy will be focused on upstream thinking.

Having worked on numerous health and wellbeing projects across Queensland, from getting active and eating right to tackling obesity and chronic diseases, one thing's been constant – the huge impact of mental health on everyone, young and old, metro, regional and remote audiences, so this Strategy will be so important.


Welcome Mel O'Meara